Showing posts with label corrupt system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corrupt system. Show all posts

Monday 17 October 2016

Mired In Poverty, While Surrounded By Wealth.

          This prosperous country, 6th richest country in the world, seems to be riddled with anomalies, however, anomalies consistent with any capitalist country. Who creates the wealth? Where is the wealth? Well we all know who creates the wealth, you and me, the ordinary people of the country. From the manufacturing, distribution, administration and consumption, it is us that create all the wealth. Where is the wealth, well let’s look at income. 
        Inequality is much higher amongst original income than net income with the poorest 10% having on average an original income of £4,467 whilst the top 10% have an original income 24 times larger (£107,597)1. the top 1% had an average income of £253,927 and the top 0.1% had an average income of £919,8823. The poorest fifth of society have only 8% of the total income, whereas the top fifth have 40%.
         That’s just income, what about where we live. Well we all know what sort of mansions the top 10% live in, what about the rest of us? Recent research has found facts that are shocking for a rich country, but don’t shock us. We know that this is the way that the system works. A very large proportion of ordinary people of this country are living in unacceptable conditions.
       Britons were asked if their homes met a series of conditions which together make up what Shelter has dubbed the “Living Home Standard”, and 43 per cent said their home failed the test.
        Nearly one in five homes failed the Living Home Standard based on a lack of decent conditions. Some didn’t have running hot and cold water, others were not structurally sound, and many had serious pest infestations or issues with mould and damp.
      The research, conducted by Ipsos Mori, found more than one in four of the nearly 2,000 surveyed said their homes failed basic standards of affordability. In these cases, people had to cut back on essentials like food and heating just to pay their rent or mortgage, or they were worried those payments could rise to a level they would no longer be able to afford.
        What is it that we are continually told by that millionaire cabal that reside in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption? “We have the fastest growing economy in the developed world” Well where is all that growth going? Large swaths of the ordinary people of this country have for generations had low incomes and lived in inadequate housing, and will continue to do so for generations to come, unless we do something about it by changing the system.
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Saturday 26 May 2012


          We have a system where the poor are pushed deeper and deeper into poverty, and by legislation ruthlessly trapped there. It is a system that will use the language of irrationality to prove its groundless claims. There is the cry from our privileged overlords for a return to family values while at the same time branding a mother who stays at home to look after her children, a scrounger, and if she goes out (forced out) to work, with no time off to care for the kids during the summer holidays, she will be accused of being a bad mother allowing her kids to roam the streets. On occasions when some individual “cheats” the benefit system, all hell breaks loose and our lords and masters scream about all the “lower class” being feckless, lazy parasites. Though they never mention the fact that the system itself is one big ponzi scheme, riddled with fraud and corruption, where that fraud and corruption increases in size as you go up their vitiated ladder.
We have to crack down on those benefit cheats!!
           It is also a system dominated by super-rich, over privileged, privately educated middle aged men, who have no perception of what it is to live at the “ordinary” level of life, to struggle with bills and worry about keeping a roof over your head, or whether your job will be there next month. All that daily struggle is an alien world to the real super-rich parasites who control the system and our daily lives. Like I have said before, they need us, we don't need them.

Saturday 14 January 2012


        I believe it is generally accepted by the public that as a country gets richer, we should all be better off. After all, that is why the powers that be, keep telling us about the growth of our GDP, to let us know who much richer we are becoming. It is safe to say that over the years the UK GDP has been growing steadily, with the exception of 2008/9, but suddenly we are told that we can't afford most of the things we take for granted. Things like libraries, nursery classes, decent pensions, and a half decent social welfare system are now beyond our reach. We are now being told that we have to accept wage cuts/freezes, work longer to get a smaller pension, cuts in social benefits, rising unemployment, while our kids education system is decimated and privatised along with our National Health Service. But I thought our GDP had been growing year on year for some considerable time, with just the odd blip? Well it has, so where is all that extra wealth, who has the money? What has also been happening as our GDP kept growing, was that a larger share of the wealth was being syphoned upwards to an ever decreasing number of individuals. The salary gap just kept getting wider and wider, so must of that extra wealth from our ever growing GDP, (your effort and my effort) was ending up, not in the common pool, but was heading straight into the bank accounts of the ever dwindling little bunch of parasites. If all those gains from the ever increasing GDP had been evenly spread in the common good, infrastructure and welfare for example, would we be facing the same problems? It is really ironic that it is those who gained all that extra wealth from our ever growing GDP, who are now telling us that we can't afford all the most basic parts of a decent civilised society.

Some difficult decisions will have to be made!!

       Even a glance at such an economic system tells you that it is inefficient, wrong, immoral, unjust, and corrupt. It doesn't take an Einstein to come up with a better, fairer and more just system, based on mutual aid, co-operation and sustainability, a system that sees to the needs of all our people, instead of working, struggling and worrying, just to keep a bunch of millionaire/billionaire parasites in the lap of luxury. Isn't it about time we sorted this lot out and started taking care of our own people?

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


         I found this poster on the internet, it seems the these protesters have found most of the questions regarding this society, but have they found the answer? Certainly bankers are the bad guys in this affair, but it goes a little deeper than that, it is with the system itself that the real problem lies, the bankers were just following the natural path of a corrupt and unjust system. So getting rid of bankers, in what ever way you please, will not put the world to rights. We have to think beyond our anger and focus on our desires, what kind of society do we really want. Do we want one that is based on competition, profit and self-centred greed, driven by wealthy shareholders, where gaps in wealth are unimaginable, and deprivation drags millions of people into despair and an early grave? Or are we going to go for a society based on the needs of all the people, a community oriented society founded on mutual aid, co-operation, justice and sustainability? What's the point of all the occupations in the world if you keep the system and simple ask your lords and masters to, please give us a little more?

          So do we run a hate a banker campaign, or do we occupy everything and change society into something we would be proud to hand to the next generation, a society where we know, all our grandchildren will be nurtured to reach their full potential as decent human beings.