Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migration. Show all posts

Monday 12 December 2016

Return of the 20/30's????

         It is difficult, viewing today’s political scene, not to draw parallels between the 20/30’s and today. It was the populist vote that brought Mussolini to power in 1922, and a decade later, it was the populist vote that brought Hitler to power in 1933. Today the populist vote is encouraging the rise of far right factions across Europe and America. Fascists now openly displaying their symbols of hate, and openly hold meetings where they spread their rhetoric of division and hate. Of course the fascist are not going unchallenged, nor should they, as the present political era seems to give them a new confidence to spew their vomit, so it should give those who desire freedom and justice for all, an ever greater determination to meet this head on. Where and when the fascist come out of their sewers, we have to be there to meet them, you can never give vermin a free run, or they will destroy everything you hold dear.
        Of course there are forces at work funding and giving the oxygen of publicity and propaganda to these far right factions, and they have an agenda. When times are hard and people start to come together in struggle to improve their conditions, as in the 20/30’s, they are a threat to the established power cabal. The answer to that threat is divide and conquer, through fear and false assumptions, creating conditions for greater control over the population. Fascism is never an accident of nature, it is a man made force, it allows for greater control by the powers that be, over the ordinary people and the shape of the society we live in.
This from New Scientist
        This may help to explain a lot of what is happening in the world right now. The Global Risks Report 2016 details a worldwide rise in catastrophic events, ranging from involuntary migration to natural disasters. When such crises occur, people look for someone to blame, and often immigration and minorities become an easy scapegoat for a problem that is far less visible in origin – as is the case with financial crises.
      Immigration itself has been shown to have an effect on right-wing views – but not in the direction you might expect. The two show a negative correlation: in the places where immigration is the highest, support for right-wing parties is lowest. For example, it has been shown that it is the perception of immigration levels in a local area, rather than the actual change in numbers, that is linked to votes for UKIP.
 People who hate differences displaying the number of brain cells they have.
         On December 10th, 2016 the ‘German Turkish Federation’ (ATF) organized a cultural day with the slogan ‘Feast of the Flags’ in the Neumünster town hall. The ‘ATF’ is the umbrella organization of the ‘Gray Wolves’ and represents the fascist nationalist MHP party in Germany. It is a scandal that the city of Neumünster allows its premises to be used by fascist organizations who openly display their fascist-nationalist ideology. The flags with the three crescents were openly on display, the ‘Gray Wolves’ hand signal was openly used and fascist literature was sold.
         The ‘Turkish Federation’ is responsible not only for propaganda work in the FRG to spread its fascist agitation but is also closely linked to the MHP party in Turkey. The fascists played a decisive role in the massacres in Cizre, Sur and many other regions while the fascist forces within the Turkish army are currently participating in the invasion of Bakur and Rojava. The MHP is working with the AKP on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Turkey. Their objective is the murder of Serok APO (Abdullah Öcalan) by the Turkish state.

      In protest against the fascist event we simultaneously attacked the ATF building on Joachim street with graffiti and sabotaged several cars of the participants.
We will attack you wherever you are.
Revenge Team Sehid Lecwan Munzur of the Apoist Youth Initiative.
(via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News)
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Friday 26 August 2016

We Owe Our Migrant Ancesters

       We can all feel with passion but trying to express that feeling, be it anger or love, is more difficult, We can all feel strongly about injustice, and frustrated that we can't portray that same passion to others, in the hope of finding common ground upon which we can act. Poetry is an amazing vehicle for getting those passions out to others, of saying what is really in our hearts.
 Do you believe he done this to claim a paltry benefit?

       There is a lot of passion burning in people about the injustice that migrants suffer, and though there is a lot of action to support migrants, there is need for more. This poem by  Victoria McNulty burns with passion, but also helps us understand that migration is a human thing, it's what humans have been doing since they first walked this earth. Whether it be in search of a better life, or fleeing persecution, people moved, it is a survival thing in every human, and it will continue. Migrants are our brothers, sisters and our parents from the past, and will be our brothers, sisters and our parents of the future.

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Saturday 23 July 2016

One World, One People.

         In spite of, or perhaps because of, the dreadful economic conditions in Greece, and despite the vast numbers of migrants in that country, people are still gathering in numbers and open demonstrations of support for migrants. With unemployment running at approximately 25%, among the young it is at around 50%, this is the usual fertile ground for the anti-migrant brigade, so it is encouraging to see a strong open defence of migrants.

        This is aimed at locals, migrants and even more to those who mobilize in solidarity on the issue of immigration. We consider that the attenuation of the political movement, the local and international socio-political upheavals, and the particularities of the summer season make us a target for the state and fascists. We must act today with our strength and unity in solidarity with the collective subject of the broad refugee-migrant solidarity movement. Transcending our individual differences, we are calling for a march that passes by the housing and solidarity projects which operate on the basis of self-organization. At the end of the march we will convene an open assembly for establishing dynamic structures of unified self-defense in street, mainly for the migrant housing projects, but with broader anti-repression, antifascist content.
6.00 ΜΜ, PEDION AREOS – Athens
Assembly for self-defence structure: National Technical University of Athens (Gine Building)
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Saturday 28 May 2016

The Illusion Of Freedom.

        Free movement, welfare constructed, democratic Europe shows it true colours, with the raising of border fences, increased military style policing, and massive austerity, chopping away at the welfare system. Where now the free movement of people that was trumpeted from the marble halls of power? United Europe is fragmenting, nationalism is on the rise, fascism shows its ugly face in ever greater numbers. What this proves is that the whole edifice was an illusion created to suit the corporate world and can just as easily be demolished when it suits the powers that be. 
           If we want a free movement Europe, then we have to get rid of the nation states and the capitalist system. As long as nation states, big money and corporatism are welded together in a festering marriage, we will have rules laid down and torn up at their bidding and in their interest.
        Solidarity and complicity with the comrades arrested in Brenner.
Apocalyptic scenarios of a fascist future, right-wing forces taking hold in Europe, walls being erected and borders being closed, deportations and detention camps.
       The leaders of global capitalism are about to close the Brenner pass in order to stop the transit of human beings. People must be stopped even at the cost of contradicting the constitutional principles of the EU itself, as it crumbles in the face of the first wave of migration.
We knew very well what we were in for on 7th May, on the demo ‘Destroy the borders in Brenner and everywhere’; we knew perfectly well what it meant to march in an unauthorized demo through a 370-metre wide pass from mountain to mountain. We knew very well that the geography of the place was against us.
        We knew all this but we also knew that if in a future made of fences, barbed wire and walls someone were to ask us: ‘Where were you when they were building up the umpteenth wall in Europe?’ we would be able to say that we were trying to knock it down, throwing the first stones in continuation with the trajectories of solidarity and struggle along with migrants that began in Monza and support to the No Border mobilizations and practices from Ventimiglia to Calais.
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How Far Will You Let Them Push You?

         How far will the financial Mafia go in the decimating of people in their drive to re-capitalise their corrupt bankrupt system. Across the globe they have pushed this austerity plan hard, in some countries they have pushed it to the point of destruction. I have no doubt the will push it further if they can get away with their self-centred plan.
          Take Greece, it is now agreed that what the people of Greece are suffering is as bad as, or worse than, the 30's depression, and is expected to go deeper still. The policies forced on to the people of Greece have produced an unemployment rate of more than 25%, and among the under 25's that jumps to more than 50%, in some areas it is over 60%. The number of people in Greece suffering sever material deprivation has doubled since 2008, again sadly it is the 16-24's that have suffered the most.
           Greece is the only country in the Euro area where welfare spending has dropped, and it has dropped dramatically since 2008. A follow on from this ever decreasing welfare spending is a stratospheric rise in the suicide rate, which saw an increase of 35% between 2010-2011, with a further dramatic increase of 55% in 2012. This drop in welfare spending has also heralded in, among other horrors, an increase in substance abuse and HIV, at the same time as HIV clinics and needle exchange units have been closed..
        Homelessness and sleeping rough has seen a dramatic rise, the government's own figures, which some consider to be a modest estimate, put the number of homeless in Athens at 20,000 from a population of 660,000, with a massive increase in the 26-44 age group now homeless.
      Another effect of this financial Mafia extortion racket is the effect it will have on the future of Greece, as migration has soared. Greece has a population of approximately 11 million, since the financial Mafia's inflicted "crisis", around 400,000 have migrated. Of those who have migrated it is reported that nine in ten hold a university degree, with more than 60% holding a masters degree, and approximately 11% a PhD. How will that impact on the future of Greece? All this in a modern, supposedly democratic country in Europe, one of the richest parts of the world.
     Bearing in mind all these facts it is obvious to any individual with a grain of humanity, that the people of Greece need some assistance, What is that trio of inhumanity, the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, ECB, Excessively Conning Banksters, EC, European Cartel, planning for the people of Greece? Why, more cuts to welfare, lower pensions, work longer to receive those diminishing pensions, higher taxes, work longer hours, and wage cuts. The people can bleed to death, the financial gambling cartel want their gambling losses back.
     This then is the general plan for us all, as the millionaire gambling cabal, the financial Mafia, continue their greed fest to recoup their gambling losses. The quality of life that you and I have is of no interest to them, we don't figure in their grand plan of plunder and looting, it is all about them saving their system and all the wealth, power and privileges that go along with that stinking bankrupt system. There is an alternative.
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Sunday 26 January 2014

The State, Home Of Racism.

       A mixture of capitalist greed and religious differences has turned our planet into a world of poverty, misery and bloodshed. People fleeing the consequences of this festering toxic cocktail, face hardship, hatred and death. The journey of the migrant can, on occasions, be worse than the nightmare they are fleeing. Our system fosters racism by continually marking the immigrant as "different", "inferior", "scroungers", somebody to be feared, when in fact they are just like you and I, a collection of bus drivers, shop assistants, doctors, plumbers, taxi drivers, mothers, fathers, brothers and sister. All they are doing is trying to survive in an exploitative violent system, trying to do the decent thing by their families, or fleeing persecution. The state is the enemy of unity and solidarity between people, it is the protector of this inhuman, brutal system of hatred and exploitation.

   This latest incident by the Greek state, against a group fleeing from Afghanistan and Syria, although brutal and horrific, is by no means unique.


AI Index: EUR 25/002/2014
22 January 2014

     Amnesty International urges the Greek Government to carry out a transparent and thorough investigation into the circumstances which led to loss of life in the Aegean Amnesty International expresses its profound concerns over the loss of life of migrants and refugees including several small children near the island of Farmakonisi on 20 January 2014. In the early hours of Monday, 20 January 2014, a fishing boat carrying 28 migrants and refugees including many small children capsized and sank near the island of Farmakonisi. The group consisted of 25 Afghans including ten children aged between one and nine years old and three Syrians.
        Sixteen individuals including a child were rescued by the Greek coastguard. However, the bodies of a mother and a child belonging to the group were found by the Turkish authorities the next day. According to news reports, the bodies of two more women and two children washed up today on Turkish shores leaving six children still missing. Amnesty International has been informed that the survivors received medical treatment on the island of Leros and since then –except one- have been held in the Leros police station.
       According to the official statements of the Greek coastguard, the fishing boat carrying the migrants and refugees was found not moving and with no lights on near the island of Farmakonisi in the early hours of last Monday. The authorities said that in view of the bad weather conditions, a decision was taken to tow the boat to the island of Farmakonisi and that during the towing operation the migrants and refugees on board moved to the one side of the boat leading to its capsize and sinking. A search and rescue operation followed the incident which still continues.
     On the other hand, the testimonies survivors provided to the UNHCR according to a press release issued by the organization, resemble the testimonies Amnesty International has previously collected on push-back operations of the Greek coastguard – the practice of summarily turning back a group of migrants across the border towards Turkey. UNHCR press release reports that the survivors alleged their boat was being towed by the Greek coastguard with great speed towards Turkey when it capsized. The Greek coastguard, however, denied these allegations in a subsequent statement this afternoon and reiterated that the boat carrying the refugees and migrants was towed towards the island of Farmakonisi, not back towards Turkey.
      Push-back operations carried out by Greece deny people the right to explain their individual circumstances and raise any protection or other concerns. As such, they are in breach of Greece's international obligations and EU law.
     Amnesty International has continuously called on the Greek authorities to stop these push-back operations not only because they are completely unlawful but because they put people’s lives at risk as a result of the way they are being carried out. Testimonies collected by Amnesty and published in a previous report point to a blatant disregard for human life shown by the Greek coastguard during push-back operations carried out in the Aegean Sea.
       Interviewees who described being returned to Turkey from the Aegean said that their inflatable boats were rammed, knifed, or nearly capsized while they were being towed or circled by a Greek coastguard boat. They said their boats’ engines were disabled and their oars removed, then they were just left in the middle of the sea. Life-endangering practices were also reported by people caught after crossing Greece’s land border with Turkey along the river Evros.
      Amnesty International calls on the Greek authorities to initiate a thorough, transparent and independent investigation into the incident of 20 January 2014 off the Coast of Farmakonisi Island; bring to light the circumstances which led to loss of life and prosecute those who are responsible.
      The organization further calls the Greek government to investigate all allegations of collective expulsions (push-backs) and ill-treatment on Greece’s land border with Turkey and in the Aegean and prosecute officials involved. The recent loss of life on the Aegean is yet again another reminder of the dangerous journeys migrants and refugees have to endure to reach Europe. Since August 2012, at least 136 refugees, the majority of whom were Syrian and Afghan, lost their lives in at least twelve known incidents attempting to reach Greece by boat from Turkey. EU and member states should ensure effective search and rescue at sea by focusing their efforts into saving lives rather than protecting border

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Tuesday 23 October 2012


       The plundering of the public purse by the financial Mafia and the resultant misery that falls on the ordinary people, forces people in all different directions. Some stay on the belief that things can only get better, others decide to stay and fight for something better, while others cut that bound with friends and family and leave for some foreign land. None of these options are easy, all inflict misery and hardship, some physical, others emotional, some both.
Another excellent article from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ.  

Is the European experiment grinding to halt? 

      Earlier this morning I got a call from a friend, saying that she'd found a job but I was at a loss whether to congratulate her or not, as she will not only leave her country but her two young children as well. For the next nine months my friend will be teaching English at a private school in the Gulf States. In doing so she'll be following a path trailed by many other friends and acquaintances over the last few years.
     Her children will remain here to be looked after by grandparents for the duration, a story reminiscent of the sacrifices that many Greeks were obliged to make in the 60's and 70's as guest workers who went north to find jobs in the booming economies of northern Europe and especially in German factories then powering the country's export led economic miracle.
     As with so many other Greeks six years of recession has forced my friend to consider working abroad as the only alternative to a slow slide into poverty at home so repeating a story that has been told and re-told so often here over the last 100 years. However, this latest generation is both luckier and unluckier than their parents and forebears.
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Friday 8 July 2011


     This is an appeal through Amnesty International, it is an appeal from one human being to another, deportation should not mean death. Migration is not a crime, the system we live under means that on occasions migration is the only way to survive. Nor should you be punished for trying to seek a better life for you and your family under what is a very brutal and exploitive system, corporate capitalism.

     Last October, my husband Jimmy Mubenga was put on a plane accompanied by three private security guards to be forcibly removed from the UK. We had lived in the UK for 16 years and our five children were born here.
      Jimmy died during the removal process. I found out that his death was probably due to the dangerous and abusive techniques used to restrain him. Before he died, witnesses on the plane heard Jimmy cry out that the guards were going to kill him. No one should die like this. Please stop it from happening again

      The guards are under investigation for alleged manslaughter and are currently on bail. I am left struggling to bring up our five children without a father.
      I would not want anyone to have to go through what our family is suffering. Yet there have been many other reports of people being injured while being removed from the UK. If nothing is done it is only a matter of time before there is another death.

      To prevent this, I ask that you write to Home Secretary Theresa May urging her to make the system more humane. This must include proper training of staff carrying out removals, independent monitoring, and making private companies more accountable.

Please take this action in memory of my husband, Jimmy Mubenga.

Thank you,
Adrienne Makenda Kambana  (Jimmy Mubenga's widow)
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