Wednesday 20 June 2012


        As the suffering and chaos in Greece grows by the day, people are looking for answers. Sadly some are finding the wrong answers and are blaming immigrants, and of course there are those that will encourage this view, if it wasn't for the immigrants there would be more for us type of thinking. In most cases migrants are trying to do what we all do, trying to survive in a repressive exploitative system, some are fleeing from violence and/or for their very life, most it is the same system that is brutally assaulting the Greek people, that is responsible for them leaving their own country, they are in the same boat as the rest of us, but perhaps at the sharper end. It is only by unity that we can all hope to overthrow this system that turns ordinary person against ordinary person, while the perpetrators get richer by the day. It suits the corporate fascists that we should be fighting among ourselves, that way they have less to worry about our solidarity bring them down.


Refugees trying to reach safety in Europe get stuck in Greece: Once in Europe, they have to remain in the country they first arrived in. They speak about lack of basic support like housing, clothing and food and daily racist abuse. Not only by fascists like Golden Dawn, but also Greek people – and the police.
This is a first glimpse into an issue that we are working on. We have just returned from a second visit to Greece and heard many stories and witnessed some of the conditions people face in Athens, including a vicious racist attack. Check back for more, and follow us on facebook and twitter to stay up to date.
Also see: Antifascist protest slideshow and Immigrant Workers Protest video rushes &photo slideshow

 ann arky's home.

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